Discover new ways to utilize Proxmox VE

Mastering Proxmox is a hands-on guide filled with practical examples covering every aspect of Proxmox. The book not only trains readers in how to set up a Proxmox virtualization platform, but also shows the pros and cons of shared storage systems supported by Proxmox. The book takes readers through real-life examples so as to tackleContinue reading “Discover new ways to utilize Proxmox VE”

Learn to secure your RESTful applications against vulnerabilities

RESTful Java Web Services Security is an easy-to-follow guide, which will not only teach the users to set-up their testing environment, but also will train them on security concepts at JEE application and container level. The book will take the readers through different ways for using Protocols; so as to grant permissions for their RESTfulContinue reading “Learn to secure your RESTful applications against vulnerabilities”