Discover the exciting world of penetration testing with Backbox

Penetration testing is an attack on a computer system with the intention of finding security weaknesses, potentially gaining access to its functionality and data. A penetration test target may be a white box (where all background and system information is provided) or a black box (where only basic or no information is provided except theContinue reading “Discover the exciting world of penetration testing with Backbox”

Discover amazing ways for developing games, charts, plots, and graphics for your iPhone

iPhone is a line of smartphones which runs on the iOS mobile operating system, designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The user interface of iOS is based on the concept of direct manipulation, using multi-touch gestures. iPhone Game Blueprints is a practical guide that enables readers to design and develop games for various screen resolutions,Continue reading “Discover amazing ways for developing games, charts, plots, and graphics for your iPhone”