My take on ‘Destiny of Shattered Dreams’

   “Your client must go to jail tonight”. When the judge says this to the lawyer of a billionaire in the opening line of a novel, I knew I am in for a riveting read. And it did not disappoint me. Destiny of Shattered dreams is a novel written in flashback. When the protagonist startsContinue reading “My take on ‘Destiny of Shattered Dreams’”

Discover new ways to utilize Proxmox VE

Mastering Proxmox is a hands-on guide filled with practical examples covering every aspect of Proxmox. The book not only trains readers in how to set up a Proxmox virtualization platform, but also shows the pros and cons of shared storage systems supported by Proxmox. The book takes readers through real-life examples so as to tackleContinue reading “Discover new ways to utilize Proxmox VE”