In your beloved memories

Life has completed its cycle
You’ve, both, been my true fighters

The devastating weather set us apart
But you my friend are inherent in my heart
They kept asking me if I could let you go…
It was never an option I’d bow
Your plausible faith kept us going through the commotion
Holding my hand with great devotion

The unsaid conversations have been held
Straight from your sight
No complaints I ever knew
Or did I miss them all or at least a few?

It’s all an outrage against destiny
With a heartbreaking symphony
To all of them who hound
They’ll be my best friends, Profound

-Priyanka Budkuley

Published by Priyanka

A home decor, fashion and design enthusiast, A blogger and A digital marketing expert! I'd love to talk. You can write to me on pbudkuley14[at]gmail[dot]com.

One thought on “In your beloved memories

  1. Vogue of Thoughts perfectly depiced the bond which you shared with them was just so beautiful ..So nicely expressed …Emotions shared with them was completely unhearled.Because of you I got to share some happy moments with them..the excitement will be missed and remembered in memories


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