The Windy Hail…

I was never perfect, you’re eyes made me…
Ideal as an independent woman, yet a miserable failure…

Family, friends and love, it all flew…
Smile is what I showed through the due…

Can the rock-solid surface hide the fears that ball?
Your thoughts are my weapons but is that all?

Time shall pass and people shall change…
But perspectives shall forever remain…

Could be imperfect, could be weak…
But to you, I shall seem like the most unbreakable freak…

-Priyanka Budkuley

Published by Priyanka

A home decor, fashion and design enthusiast, A blogger and A digital marketing expert! I'd love to talk. You can write to me on pbudkuley14[at]gmail[dot]com.

4 thoughts on “The Windy Hail…

  1. A lot to be revealed yet..
    a lot to be known..
    Cocoon is in the shells..
    Glitter is yet to be shown..

    The Day is not far away..
    To turn the winds blown..
    Dont fear my friend..
    We will break through unknown..

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You might think it was a miserable failure
    But in my perspective you are the best..

    You might think all flew but truth is you are the reason behind all those smiles..

    You are like fire that can burn it all but is tensed to protect you from the windy cold ..

    You are my ⭐ so dont let anything dull your spark..

    Liked by 1 person

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