Kokan Diaries

Today, I suddenly feel the urge to write about Kokan (Goa)… This might be the smallest chapter from my Kokan Diary but, it sure was a memorable one..!
Jan Shatabdi Express


A new buzz about Kokan hit our mind and we instantly planned a visit. I still remember all the thrill we were caught up with while, heading towards the train to Kokan (Kudal)…


The moments to rejoice were endless as we visited – Amboli Ghat, Hiranyakeshi, Kavlesad point, Dhamapur, Tarkarli Beach and a few temples…


As you enter, you’ll see clouds passing by… But this was the best I could capture!


It was like milk flooding over…




Kavlesad Point
Tarkarli Beach
Tarkarli Beach

We almost felt butterflies in our stomuch, as we were nearing the time to reach Goa. Not because it was Goa! All of us are from Goa/Konkan. Mmm..maybe because it was a girls outing and we were thinking about how much fun we were going to have…!

So… our trip was suppose to be a 2 days trip and we planned to return back to Kudal on the second day. Guess what..! We lost half of the day, waiting at the station for the train, which was delayed. Oh..but finally..we made it..! Heading to Savitri Guest House (which of course I booked online looking at all the beautiful facilities they were giving and ya…The ADVENTURE SPORT they mentioned.!), thinking of how beautiful it would be to lay back in the balcony facing the beach.. sounds lovely right? But, maybe it was just a dream..Yes, we were 5 mins away from Arambol beach, but we didn’t have a beach facing room (for which we paid extra), few in-operational lights and no WI-FI. The clock was running and we decided to rush to all the dazzling places with our bikes. We had so much to do.. Go shopping, see beaches (as many as we could), adventure sports and so much more..! Rushed quickly to the super crowded Calangute beach which, is suppose to be a popular one… After some shopping it was time to go to the next place.

Calangute Beach

We chose Baga, it being the nearest one. The sun was setting and we thought of hanging at restaurant on the coast. I quickly called our guest house to check if we could get food, and they tell me NO..! NO FOOD..! That is the least you can expect from your hotel… Without ruining the eve, we planned to have dinner at the same place and enjoy the breezy beach…

Baga Beach

After a refreshing dinner, we drove back to our guest house and noticed that we didn’t have blankets nor towels in the room…When we asked for them, what we got is surely something that will blow you off…! Torn bed sheets filled with sand..! What could be worst?! NO FOOD..NO BLANKETS..NO WI-FI..IN-OPERATIONAL LIGHTS..NO BEACH VIEW ROOMS and unprofessional people (who were drunk and don’t know how to treat visitors)..! I wish we could fast forward time and check out faster…I wish we could..!

I saw wish I had clicked pictures from my cellphone... This picture is nowhere close to what the place actually was...
I so wish I had clicked pictures from my cellphone… This picture is nowhere close to what the place actually was…

The next day (which is the last day in Goa), after all the thrill we had at the guest house, we checked out in the morning and drove to Mapusa market and then Old Goa, to see more of it… You can think of how much we had to shop (it being a girls outing) and it all ended with the refreshing trip to the Old Goa Church…

Old Goa Church

It was now time to head to Thivim station for our train to Kudal. That feeling while, you trip is above to end..Oh I so wish it never ended..! Ferry ride through the village just did the right thing..! We got a ferry from Old Goa to a village and drove to Thivim then.. And, back to Kudal.


It was a different high we all experienced at Kudal and then at Goa (mm…of course our guest house left almost nothing to ruin our stay there), but otherwise…it was a memorable one.. 🙂


Published by Priyanka

A home decor, fashion and design enthusiast, A blogger and A digital marketing expert! I'd love to talk. You can write to me on pbudkuley14[at]gmail[dot]com.

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