My take on ‘Destiny of Shattered Dreams’

Romance novel, Business novel, Fiction, Nilesh Rathod

   “Your client must go to jail tonight”.

When the judge says this to the lawyer of a billionaire in the opening line of a novel, I knew I am in for a riveting read. And it did not disappoint me. Destiny of Shattered dreams is a novel written in flashback. When the protagonist starts to tell his story of how he landed there “What happens next…?” is the only thing you want to know. It reminds me so much of the American TV Shows like 24 or Breaking Bad. This book just does not dip and just as Atul seems to have knocked back his biggest problem thus far, a bigger one is waiting for him to rival.

I wont say more, as I don’t want to spoil your fun. The characters are the other highlight, Qazi, Elisabeth who becomes Gustavo, the kids, all Captureof them. They all seem to be there for a purpose and so clear.

Negatives: The business story is too detailed for my liking. The philosophy around life seems to rant or not put concisely.

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Published by Priyanka

A home decor, fashion and design enthusiast, A blogger and A digital marketing expert! I'd love to talk. You can write to me on pbudkuley14[at]gmail[dot]com.

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