Top 3 Jewellery Designs

We are magpies, insatiably curious and forever searching for fascinating stories. This week we’ve curated some intricate designs for you to pick from.


  1. Gold is a precious stone which beautifies the real beauty in a woman. People who find it heavy on their pockets opt for imitation jewellery. However, no one can replace the everlasting beauty of a gold jewellery. This impressive heart shaped gold pentant will stylish your life.


2. It’s that time of the year to celebrate festivities with our loved ones. The mere thought of seeing our loved ones smiling fills our heart with joy. However, at times it becomes difficult to decide which gift they would adore. This exclusive ring with contemporary designs is loved by every women and is a perfect choice for your loved once.


3.  This exclusive  design, studded with two  peacock’s in the center is a perfect fit for evening wear. The necklace with its exquisite designs is carved with kundan for an antique look.  Best suited with an elegant traditional wear.


Have designs that you wish to share with us? Comment below and we’ll feature them for you! Or simply hit the like button and follow us for more on jewellery 😉

Published by Priyanka

A home decor, fashion and design enthusiast, A blogger and A digital marketing expert! I'd love to talk. You can write to me on pbudkuley14[at]gmail[dot]com.

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