Learn to build efficient Rail web applications with Mongoid

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Mongoid is an Object-Document-Mapper for MongoDB written in Ruby. MongoDB is a cross-platform document oriented database system which can be classified as a NoSQL database system.

Learning Mongoid is a step-by-step guide that helps the readers to improve the performance of their applications and to monitor them. The book takes you through the basics and delves deeper into various tips and tricks for using Mongoid and Ruby. It further introduces the developers to various components and datatypes.

The book features MapReduce and the aggregation framework which trains the users on the querying mechanism in detail. Book info: http://bit.ly/1dfRK2c

Published by Priyanka

A home decor, fashion and design enthusiast, A blogger and A digital marketing expert! I'd love to talk. You can write to me on pbudkuley14[at]gmail[dot]com.

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